Solution Design
Masterspec – #7938PB
Take full advantage of Masterspec and make it’s functionality work for you!
Office Master: An Office Master is a base specification document that forms the bones of a project-specific specification or a specific part of your specification that you like to use often. This streamlines the process by allowing you to create a specification from work you have already completed. Discover how to add Alta Safety as an Office Master.
Work Section Support: Make specification witting easy and effective with Work Section Support. When writing your height safety requirements, simply request assistance from Alta Safety (#7938PB) and our trusted Design Team will write the height safety requirements directly into your project specification. Follow our step-by-step Work Section Support Allocation Guide and see the benefits for yourself!
Design Specification Process
After Consultation & Risk Assessment is completed, we have an excellent insight of the project and begin the Design Specification process. Careful selection of the best product brands, product types and within the architects/specifiers design brief and a clear understanding of the likely work method for the activities undertaken when working at height. Detailed marked plans are produced that ensure compliant safety but also that the asset itself isn’t compromised with excessive penetrations or visually unappealing equipment.
While safety is paramount, design aesthetics and product functionality/features are very important and Alta Safety bring a premium range of products from around the globe to ensure premium safety performance and design aesthetic.
Working with the consultant or specifier, on completion the risk assessment we provide the best safety in design solution. The architect can write a MasterSpec or Alta Safety can provide this.
Alta Safety supplied detailed roof/structure plans and specifications, showing the height safety solution to meet Best Practice requirements.
CAD fixing detail drawings completed as part of overall design.
A detailed proposal to specification and design is supplied along with the comprehensively marked roof plan/systems layout, including Service Level Agreement (SLA) and PPE required for safe use of the installed equipment.
On request, we supply Producer Statements (PS1) by CPEng and Auckland Council approved/registered Engineers.
PS2 available on request, and PS3 as standard included within the proposal.
CPEng provides a PS4 on completion of project.
The building/structure and materials are reviewed to check suitability with proposed product/equipment selection.