Previously PBI Height Safety

Abseil and Facade Access Systems


Abseil and Facade Access Systems

Where there is a requirement for abseil access to a buildings facade, Abseil/Rope Access Systems will be required to provide safe anchorage for facade & window cleaning, maintenance and repair.

PBI will work with you to understand the specific requirements of your building or structure, to ensure the correct specification of rail & track systems, davit arms and abseil anchor points. Parapets and complex facades and access requirements are a speciality, we are experts in design to ensure the easiest work method for asset management over the life of the building or structure.

We design, specify, manufacture and supply Abseil and Facade access systems anywhere in New Zealand, Australia and most of the Pacific area, including full installation of the licensed proprietary systems by our specialist install teams.

3M 2101734 Abseil Anchor Point

A timber truss or steel purlin mounted roof anchor that is ideal for both residential and commercial applications.

3M 2101735 Abseil Anchor Point

A C or Z section steel purlin mounted roof anchor that is ideal for both residential and commercial applications.

3M RoofSafe™ Surface Mounted Aluminium Rail Static Line

3M RoofSafe™ Rail is a high-quality, aluminum rail safety system suited for all building projects and maintenance.

3M UniRail Structurally Mounted Rail System

3M UniRail structurally mounted rail system is a functional, flexible and adaptable rail system to suit a range of height safety requirements. 

Bomac Altrac Overhead Aluminium Rail Abseil System

A system designed for overhead abseiling fall protection; it is extremely versatile, lightweight, low-maintenance and aesthetically pleasing.

Kattsafe AP110 Tension Anchor
The tension anchor is a unique single plate, non-weld device that can be used in direct tension or shear for overhead applications.
Kattsafe AP118 Concrete Mount Anchor
The Kattsafe AP118 Concrete Raised Concrete Mount Anchor is suitable for fall arrest and rope use on ballast/aggregate roofs.
Kattsafe AP123 Purlin Mount Anchor
The Kattsafe AP123 Purlin Mount Anchor is a compact anchor that is installed on metal roof decks for rope access and fall arrest use
Kattsafe AP129 Concrete Cast-In Anchor
The Kattsafe AP129 concrete cast-in anchor is designed for fall arrest or twin rope access use, in direct tension or re-belay applications.
Kattsafe AP135 Rapid Top Mount Anchor
The Kattsafe rapid top mount anchor is a proprietary fall arrest anchor with unique energy absorbing abilities designed for simple installation.
Kattsafe AP141 Top Mount Rope Access Anchor

The AP141 top mount rope access anchor is designed for fast installation and ultimate strength. Installed in pairs for use as a primary rope access connection always use with a backup/rescue anchor.

Kattsafe Modular Access Systems
Manufactured from high strength aluminium, Kattsafe Modular Access Systems are an industrial strength alternative to clunky welded steel access products.

Have a project or question?


Lets Chat

Whether you’re after detailed drawings and a design specification or have a general questions about fall protection and working at height, we would love to hear from you.

For over 21 years our trusted team have been helping keep people and property safe at height. Afterall, making safety an instinctive culture is our vision. 

Looking to upload project details and engage with PBI Height Safety? Tell us about your project and upload drawings here.